Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Daily Link Dump - August 14, 2012

The Deputy Director of Rapid Response for Obama for America actually tweeted this.

8 hurtful and painful husband/wife arguments from TV. The pick from Breaking Bad may be my favorite six-minutes from that entire series thus far.

I love how hilariously unaware people become when their head is firmly planted up their ass while they vacation in a yurt.

Sex trafficking hysteria has now led to this.

Time-traveler urban legends are more popular than I would have guessed.

Nick Gillespie interviewed Gary Johnson at FreedomFest earlier this year.

An upcoming biography on David Foster Wallace appears to ignore DFW's faith.

Yeah, sure, your parents want to kill each other and no one's telling you what's going on, but you do NOT say no to watching Val Kilmer in Heat. (Breaking Bad spoilers abound)

Two porn stars fulfilled their promise to give blowjobs to all their Twitter followers if the Heat won the NBA Championship.

Holy supercut, Batman:

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