Monday, August 20, 2012

Daily Link Dump - August 20, 2012

Why does this feel like a flashback to 2003?

Director Tony Scott, the guy who helmed Top Gun and Enemy of the State, has apparently committed suicide. Apparently he had an inoperable brain cancer and decided to take matters into his own hands.

Oh, look. Bipartisanship leading to more executive power.

Gary Johson says that Paul Ryan is "...anything but a libertarian." Also, here's Johnson on his record as governor of New Mexico. Johnson is far from perfect in my eyes (His ideas of governance stem more from pragmatism than a philosophical understanding of libertarianism, I'm not a fan of the Fair Tax and he's previously seemed okay with some military adventurism, even though he seems to have softened on that since joining the LP) but he's a million times better than Obamney.

The history of Super Mario Bros. 2

I've never been a fan of Ayn Rand's writings but I do find the misrepresentation of her philosophy frustrating.

The films of Christopher Nolan, subjective storytelling and whether he is as innovative as some claim.

Apparently whether or not some Congress people went swimming in the nude warrants an FBI probe.

Matt Welch talks with David Boaz:

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