Friday, September 14, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 14, 2012

The Obama administration is really going full retard on this Muhammad video. They asked YouTube to review it and see if it violated the site's terms of service, and has basically gone out of their way to publicly identify the guy.

While the Middle East goes totally batshit, things get a little nuts here in the states.

I don't normally do touching, but damn if this story didn't tug on my heartstrings more than a little.

The no-huddle offense in the NFL is making TV producers have to work a little harder.

Birtherism is still alive and well in the Kansas GOP apparently.

A list of venues where and when you can see The Master in 70mm.

Rand Paul wants to end aid to Libya and Egypt which hurts John Kerry's feelings.

China no longer uses the U.S. dollar as oil currency.

A trailer for Spielberg's Lincoln is telling me the story is going to be all about how the 16th President personally suffered grievous harm to his psyche as he singularly struggled to end slavery. And be a generally shitty movie:

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