Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Daily Link Dump - October 3, 2012

The legacy of the first Obama administration: normalizing Bush-era policies. Congrats, "liberals". The analysis in the article goes out of its way to make the true claim that Obama ended torture (not counting Bradley Manning, I suppose) but neglects to remind everyone that Obama made it clear he had no interest in prosecuting anyone who did torture.

Another thing courtesy of The Lesser of Two Evils: majority of Americans are hunky dory with drones.

Requests for extra security in Benghazi were repeatedly denied.

Armond White is a master troll. I salute him.

The Foo Fighters are officially taking some time off.

DHS fusion centers are pointless and a waste of everyone's money.

A school district in Florida is considering using cameras to watch children throw away school food.

U.S. birth rates continue to drop.

Here's a trailer for a new comedy called Movie 43 and I have no clue what to make of it:

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