Monday, October 8, 2012

Daily Link Dump - October 8, 2012

"Obama is a popular kid, and people like Watts are voting for him as if he were running for student body president."

Politics makes you stupid.

Armond White is a bizarre man with unique tastes, and we are lucky to have him as evidenced by this very interesting takedown of The Paperboy.

Intellectual property idiocy: A case before the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether or not you have the right to freely sell stuff you've purchased overseas or if you will have to pay a percentage to the original copyright holder.

More intellectual property idiocy: An interesting look at how the patent process in the U.S. is abused by the likes of Apple, Google and Microsoft.

I keep waffling on the idea of a one-game playoff in baseball. It's true that it makes the division matter, but I also hate to see good teams out because of one bad game. That just doesn't seem like baseball to me, but maybe I'm just being an old fuddy-duddy. Anyway, it seems we're going to be getting more of this as the ratings were stellar.

Anarchist calisthenics.

Students in a San Antonio school district are going to be tracked via RFID chips.

Morley Safer is old and thinks you're an idiot.

A U.S. free speech group based in the U.S. sends an appropriate letter to the U.K government which threatened. them. (Warning: Link goes to a PDF)

Obama Fire Sale:

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