Friday, August 24, 2012

Daily Link Dump - August 24, 2012

Man, aren't you just lovin' this recovery?

The Count doesn't make it past 78.

An NOPD lieutenant is doing her best to have the department face a 4th Amendment lawsuit. Nicolas Cage unavailable for comment.

Arrested Development returns sometime in the spring of 2013.

It's good to see the White House concerned about keeping beer recipes transparent. Much more important than anything regarding the TSA.

Hey, this just means more economic stimulus for China in Paul Krugman's world!

Matt Zoller Seitz on why Louie's loose-form aesthetics and style are not just remarkable but revolutionary in American TV.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz reminds everyone that when it comes to Facts vs. Party Truth, the party must always win.

Julian Assange is included as a terrorist in a new 9/11 coloring book. Yes, I actually typed those words and, yes, they refer to something real.

Brian De Palma has directed some movies I absolutely love (Body Double, Dressed to Kill, Carrie, Blow Out, Femme Fatale, Carlito's Way) but he's always hit or miss (Black Dahlia, Snake Eyes or Mission to Mars anyone?) which is why I can only be cautiously optimistic for this:

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