Thursday, August 23, 2012

Daily Link Dump - August 23, 2012

One of the SEALs involved in the Bin Laden raid is releasing a book on the mission without permission from the Obama administration. As long as it includes this realistic depiction of the events, I don't think there'll be a problem.

By far the most interesting contrarian take on Tony Scott's career. It's almost convincing, but perhaps that abstract style just isn't my bag.

NOPD officer indicted for manslaughter for killing a defenseless man back in March during a marijuana raid. The officer's attorney of course wants leniency because his client is a cop.

Here's a picture of the new area for the Nets, built on broken dreams and stolen property.

U.S. Customs is letting your insurance company know every time you cross the border.

For some reason, a remake of Videodrome is on its way. Speaking of unnecessary remakes.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will finally get his day in court. In 2016.

Christ, I hate the way the media fawns all over the queen Michelle Obama as much as anyone, but getting upset at this is daft.

A Nepali bad ass was bitten by a cobra so he retaliated by biting the snake to death.

Sight & Sound has now made the Directors' Poll available.

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