Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Daily Link Dump - August 22, 2012

The Swiss aren't too pleased with a new anti-Romney ad.

The funniest thing I've seen all week.

20 years later, " be angry about Waco and Ruby Ridge is to be painted with the SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League and other hatewatch groups' broad brushes."

I find myself not anticipating Spielberg's Lincoln in any way.

Pitchfork has revealed it's "People's List" and it's (unsurprisingly) heavy on the Radiohead and Kanye.

The GOP pays some lip-service to the libertarian wing.


The Los Angeles porn industry shuts itself down as it deals with a syphilis outbreak. Meanwhile, assholes like Michael Weinstein of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation contort this into believing the porn industry isn't policing itself. Scott Shackford at reason maybe discovers why: Mr. Weinstein's organization would be in a nice position to make some cash if L.A.'s Measure B is passed.

Some of the biology on display in Death Valley.

Buried deep in this story about tainted beef is the fact that two investigators from the USDA were already stationed at the site of the purported incidences. Who will police the police who neglect to police our industries who neglect to police themselves?

One farmer is resorting to feeding candy to his cattle due to the price of corn.

The Huffington Post has 13 predictions for SNL election cycle jokes. I just have two: 1. SNL political jokes will be painfully unfunny; 2. The most barbed jokes will be aimed at non-Democrats.

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