Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Daily Link Dump - August 21, 2012

100 facts about Obamney.

Tony Scott did not have brain cancer. That's what I get for believing ABC News.

The Libertarian Party of Washington State is suing to have Mitt Romney removed from the Washington ballot, declaring that due to the GOP's showing and efforts in 2010 they do not meet the state's requirements to be a "major party" and they have not filed for Romney to be on the ballot according to applicable "minor party" rules. Best of luck, but the system, as rigged as it is, will prevail and keep Romney on the ballot.

Picture perfect.

Camile Paglia discusses the roles of women in Hitchcock's films and his life.

Well, here's a wonderful endorsement if I ever saw one! Which probably explains why he's staying the course.

Meanwhile, as people shit themselves over asinine issues like what some dipshit in Missouri thinks about rape, this is happening.

A 66-year-old man smoke pot for the first time:

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