Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 12, 2012

There were quite a few more warnings of imminent attack prior to 9/11 then previously thought. Although, thanks to secrecy from the last two administrations, we really don't know what the signal to noise ratio is here, making it a little more than difficult to judge if this was simply a miss or if it was negligently ignored.

Reviews of The Master are creeping in. Some interesting ones here, here and here.

The Democrats apparently don't mind a little competition from the left, while the Republicans keep trying to stop others from gaining ballot access in some states.

Meanwhile, Gary Johnson is on the ballot in 47 states. Not that you'll see him or Jill Stein at the debates.

A look at how the rules of ownership in the NFL contribute to subsidization of poor management by local taxpayers.

Here are some stills from The Hobbit, which aren't too promising.


More proof that Ray Carney is a giant asshole.

Here's a trailer (in the loosest sense of the word) of the movie that hurt some barbarians feelings which caused them to kill innocent people:

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