Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 11, 2012

RIP Thomas Szasz. A correspondence between Ken Kesey and Szasz. More reading on Szasz and psychiatry.

The Obama DOJ can not confirm nor deny the existence of reports that are required by federal law.

J.J. Abrams' new Star Trek movie has a lame title.

I don't even know what to think of this poll. Extolling Obama for making the most obviously easy political choice in American history is one thing. Crediting someone who wasn't even in office is daffy and typical partisan bullshittery.

Unsurprisingly, a bunch of people are freaking out over Nick Cassavetes being not freaked out over consensual incest. I've been told I'm nuts for saying the pro-gay-marriage crowd isn't really for "marriage equality" unless they're for incestuous and polygamous marriages but Cassavetes point is right on: why should anyone interfere if it's consensual? (I suppose one could argue it's not politically convenient and easy for the gay-marriage group to look down on incest and polygamy but I think that smells of "Fuck you, I got mine.")

There will be a Google+ Hangout to premiere a trailer for Spielberg's Lincoln, which is looking more and more barf-inducing by the day.

Today's celebrity peddling of scientifically unfounded bullshit is brought to you by Sheryl Crow.

An anti-masturbation video, re-dubbed with some R. Kelly:

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