Monday, September 10, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 10, 2012

The Master gets a little too much love at the Venice Film Festival.

Is the Democratic Party really pro-science? I honestly didn't know that Obama was peddling anti-vaccine crap in 2008.

GoDaddy goes down.

When 40% of your customers dislike your product enough to quit using it and the vast majority of those that stick around receive incredibly sub-par service, perhaps going on strike because you don't like the raise offered on your $76,000-a-year salary is a bad idea.

Steve Wynn won a $20 million in a slander lawsuit against Joe Francis.

Chuck Schumer thinks detergent pods look delicious.

Surprisingly, this movie had one of the worst box office debuts ever last weekend.

Kennedy asks, "When did honoring the dead become an occasion for fleecing the living?" When was it ever not?

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