Thursday, September 6, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 6, 2012

I'd imagine most people would think 116 drone strikes over the last 16 months would count as acts of war. Unless the person responsible for the program has a "D" after his name, I suppose.

The dumbest political controversy this week.

Tarballs and oil that washed up on Louisiana and Alabama beaches are oil from the BP disaster of 2010. Everybody panic.

A.O. Scott finds a way to make reviewing idiotic children's fare for The New York Times funny.

The myths and legend of Jack Daniels.

Austin police infiltrated the local Occupy group, then proceeded to possibly propose and most likely participate in engaging in felonious behavior. I especially love the detective who happened to lose a card with subpoenaed information down a gutter and had deleted all pertinent work emails...

Terrence Malick cut a whole bunch of people out of his latest film, To the Wonder.

The Daily Show goes to the DNC to see just how inclusive and tolerant the Democratic Party is.

The double standard when it comes to economic nationalism.

The DOJ want prison time for Shepard Fairey because he fabricated documents in a copyright suit.

A fantastic short tracing the character arc of Walter White (spoilers, obviously):

Another trailer for The Master:

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