Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 5, 2012

The NFL season kicks off tonight (Go Pack Go!). In that vein, here is a link discussing a new study regarding former NFL players and neurological disorders. Also, using public funds to subsidize billionaires' playhouses.

Nine questions to stew over until Breaking Bad returns in approximately 10 months.

Organic foods don't offer any added nutritional value over non-organic food.

Here are some NASA pics of a massive solar flare.

Somehow Obama's favorability with women is in the negatives.

Asking Valerie Jarrett about drone strikes will get one kicked out of the DNC.

I offer this link because I really don't know what to make of it. Are famous people not supposed to be Republican? Why is there a conflation in the commentary between libertarians and Republicans? Do people really care this much about the politics of celebrities?

The Democratic Party drops all pretenses that it cares about civil liberties.

I don't watch conventions. They are all the same bland platitudes, empty promises and heavily scripted bullshit. But all the buzz (good and bad) about Eastwood's speech got me to watch it. A high-wire, unscripted act that somehow never really endorsed Mitt Romney, while reminding all the politicians in the building of their place. Yeah, I loved it. So, I guess I fall in this 20% plurality.

A wonderful video:

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