Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 18, 2012

Steve Sabol, the master behind NFL Films, died today at the age of 69. I don't use "master" lightly. Sabol is as important to the NFL as its original founders and Pete Rozelle. It could be argued his films were more responsible than anything for creating the mythical aura that surrounds NFL games. He was also a terrific craftsman and artist, a filmmaker who understood better than any one how to utilize the tools and art of film to create the feeling that you just weren't watching a game, but rather the epic final battle between gods. It can't be stated enough how much Sabol's vision redefined not just how the NFL was viewed among its audience but how sports in general would be presented.

Mitt Romney's a fucking moron. This election is more and more like 2004. Horrible, weak and morally bankrupt president, yet the other major party manages to find someone equally offensive.

The war in Afghanistan continues to go swimmingly!

The 2007 reunion concert of the remaining members of Led Zeppelin will be released as a film in theaters, then on home video later this year.

In the silliest thing I've read today, David Sirota claims that David Fincher's The Game is his best movie because, uh, corporations and Mitt Romney.

Media Matters coordinated stories with the DOJ.

Newspaper revenue (including revenues from print and online) is at levels not seen since the 1950s.

Matt Zoller Seitz starts a battle he cannot win: "This movie is not unsophisticated. You are." I've fought similar battles with many, many people. The worst is when I try to explain my love of DePalma.

Speaking of James Bond: Adele will be performing the new film's theme song.

The owner of the Edmonton Oilers has some giant balls and a small brain, declares that even though he is receiving half a billion in subsidies, his team is really subsidizing the city.

Being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy.

Just because:

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