Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 19, 2012

Obama chums it up with the pretty people, somehow is still thought of as a man who cares about the common person.

I await the follow-up in two months when this is declared a fake.

Rabbit season?

Three Jefferson Parish deputies make the mistake of traveling to Orleans Parish to unnecessarily beat and tase two men whose step-father happens to be an attorney.

The FBI raided the home of two people because they purportedly possessed reading material that the U.S. Government deemed dangerous.

Headline which is the understatement of the week.

Slayer enjoyed the recent John Clayton commercial for SportsCenter.

Gary Johnson, Andrew Napolitano, Kennedy, Kristin Davis and Jesse Ventura were all in attendance at an NYU libertarian event.

Ken at Popehat goes on at length about the ubiquitous Holmes quote about shouting fire in a crowded theater.

Adventures in intellectual property: Dammit, I own that colossal fuck up and I want to be PAID!

Clint Eastwood offers up the mass-message type of libertarianism on Ellen:

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