Friday, September 21, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 21, 2012

Chris Stevens was worried that he was on an al-Qaeda hit list. Meanwhile, Obama and Hillary continue to play film critic.

The Johnson campaign has apparently filed an antitrust suit against the GOP, Democratic Party and the Commission on Presidential Debates, presumably for Johnson being shut out.

Vince Mancini's review of The Master is the funniest and most informative one I've read so far. (I'm also beginning to believe he's the best reviewer at the Uproxx sites, but when your competition is shit like this I hope that doesn't come across as a back-handed compliment.)

David Simon has accused Reason magazine of "shanking" his interview with them, so Reason has responded by posting the entire audio of the conversation.

"I'mma remember you now, Colby."

If you were having a good day, you probably don't want to read this story.

A study shows that scientists, both men and women, appear to be biased against women.

Fiona Apple was arrested for possession of pot and hash, not because she was careless with a delicate man.

Celebrities on some career mistakes.

A man in Minnesota was cleared of the horrible crime of selling unpasteurized milk to willing customers.

"Call Me Maybe" slowed down 1000%:

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