Monday, September 24, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 24, 2012

The State Department continues to be more concerned about diaries and films then actual violence committed by barbarians.

Treme will get a fourth, and final, truncated season on HBO.

Salman Rushdie makes some great points, even though Bill Keller tries his best to smother it in cosmopolitan bullshit. My two favorite bits:

“You define yourself by what offends you. You define yourself by what outrages you.”
"It’s not for the American government to regret what American citizens do."

The weekend box office was down almost 30% from the same weekend last year.

83-year-old woman calls the cops to report possible break in, gets murdered for her troubles.

I can't imagine why people wonder why I hate bureaucrats.

The weird minds of libertarians.

Anti-doping stupidity: Middle school girl asked to take a drug test to join the scrapbooking club.

If Nevermind were a person, it'd be legally able to drink today, so here's this extremely overplayed, but still kinda kick-ass tune that started it all:

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