Thursday, September 27, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 26, 2012

The Obama admin knew within a day that the Benghazi attacks were coordinated by al-Qaeda and not a protest over a movie.

Some New Orleans taxi drivers went on strike today to protest the new regulations on their cars. Obviously, the big companies like United didn't as they can afford to abide by the new rules.

Mike Love is an asshole.

Reddit is banning high profile websites, some of them political, right in the heart of the election season.

The Consumer Protection Queen apparently practiced law without a license. Not that I care about licensing, but when you make your life's work the regulation of business, I enjoy seeing you hoisted by your own petard.

ICP is suing the FBI.

AMC will apparently produce a fourth season of The Walking Dead.

Oh my: bacon shortage.

Iran is boycotting the Oscars over a movie that never really existed.

The list of the ten most dangerous jobs in the U.S.

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