Friday, September 28, 2012

Daily Link Dump - September 28, 2012

Extra goodies since I failed to post yesterday:

Warrantless electronic surveillance has skyrocketed in the last two years.
19 of 20 Obama administration departments fail FOIA disclosure tests.
The Muhammad video maker has been jailed for "probation violation".
The feds launched a coordinated attack on 71 medical marijuana dispensaries on Tuesday.
The Bush administration arrested and indicted a man for supporting his family in Iraq, and the Obama administration is happy to throw him in prison for three years.

Those last five links brought to you by The Lesser of Two Evils™

Ray Nietzsche, Football Philosopher:

Terrence Malick's latest has found a distributor.

Damon Thibodeaux is the 300th person exonerated via DNA testing, the 18th from death row. The Innocence Project does great things and I highly recommend throwing some moola their way. And if you still support the death penalty knowing 18 people had been sentenced to die that were not guilty, well, you're probably a monster.

Some rules for time travel movies.

The Saints' fan replacement ref is a real winner.

I don't know how "Nobody Does It Better" didn't crack the top 5 in this ranking of Bond theme songs but it's a fucking travesty.

A guy who makes bad judgment calls continues to make bad judgment calls.

Two video essays and one written essay on the cinema of Werner Herzog.

Herzog discusses the stupidity of chickens:

Werner Herzog on Chickens from Tom Streithorst on Vimeo.

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