Monday, October 1, 2012

Daily Link Dump - October 1, 2012

The presidential debates have lost three sponsors thus far, in part thanks to not including third party candidates.

A quick profile of Caleb Trotter, the LP candidate running in the 2nd congressional district of Louisiana.

Fast and Furious guns were used in the slaughter of fourteen Mexican teenagers in January of 2010.

Adele has posted a preview of her theme for Skyfall.

The Obama administration wants contractors to hold off from laying off employees until after the election.

A case in Orleans parish will determine whether or not rubbing one's penis on another person without consent is sexual assault.

This review of Passion and this interview with DePalma have my hopes raised.

Stephen Littau argues that the War on Terror has lost all meaning (assuming it ever had any) with the recent de-listing of MEK as a terrorist organization.

Michael Barone weighs in on the conservative hand-wringing on the POTUS polls.

Seth MacFarlane to host the Academy Awards in February.

College professor doesn't like free speech when it's anti-Obama:

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